March 30, 2023, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (US Central)
Join Coach Christine as she starts IGNITE Business Launch, a FREE four part webinar!
Module One - Galvanized Vision
March 9 - 6PM US Central Time
Every goal, every business, starts with a target, a desire, a dream. A vision ignites your passion. Calls in your destiny. Go beyond vision boards with Galvanized Vision.
Module 2: Origin Story Branding
March 18 - 6PM US Central Time
Hone in on the unique brand inherent in your personal story. Acknowledge the power and thumb print of your journey.
Module 3: Avatar Profile
March 23 - 6PM US Central Time
Amplify marketing, posts, and pitches
by creating a deeply detailed ideal client.
AKA Your Seeker. AKA The Avatar.
Module 4: Inspired Networking
March 30 - 6PM US Central Time
A. Hot Pitches
B. Intentional Coffees
C. Flowing Follow Up
Add up to unstoppable business growth.
Register here.