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Altoona Area Chamber of Commerce
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Join Today

Members who attend functions, provide feedback and become involved in committees or events benefit the most from the Chamber. We want to be your partner in this community!

There are many ways to get involved!  Attend an event or two, join a committee, serve on the board or brand your business as a sponsor for Business 101 classes, Membership Luncheons or any one of our great signature events.

Each opportunity is unique in its own way, but our staff would be more than happy to help you work through the process to determine just which fits the best with your company goals.

When you are active in your Chamber your opportunities increase to meet many other business leaders and potential customers.  Your investment matters and networking is one of the most important benefits to your Membership.

The Altoona Area Chamber of Commerce is an active group that believes in supporting its community and the businesses in and around the area. We volunteer, we host events, provide resources and facilitate business education seminars and our partners are YOU!

Make your investment count and GET INVOLVED!




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